Sunday, June 20, 2010
La Conciergerie
Arc de Triomphe
Giverny and Monet's House and Gardens
Friday, June 18, 2010
Mona and Me
Hanging with La was thrilling to say the least, but she is small!
The Eiffel Tower Tonight
Paris Apartment and the Eiffel Tower
We have been super busy in Paris and my computer is tired too I guess, so the posting has been slow going. I waited over an hour for a video to upload and then it never would post. UGH!!! Paris is wonderful and VERY different from Rome. Exactly was I was hoping for...two completely different experiences! YEA!!!! Will start posting more. We go to Giverny tomorrow to Monet's gardens...really excited about this one. We have to take a Eurorail train out of Paris to see it so that should be interesting in itself! Here is some video of where we stayed in both cities and take a look at the Eiffel at 10pm sharp! I caught it a little late. It glitters about 10 min. Can you here my disappointment?
We went from this hotel room in Rome.....
to this apartment in Paris.........
The Eiffel Tower at 10 pm! That's good stuff!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Parting Shots....Arrivederci, Rome and Bonjour, Paris
Raphael's School of Athens and his Tomb
Raphael was one of the three most influential artists of the High Renaissance. (I mean come on, along with Leonardo, they had Ninja Turtles named after them for Pete's sake!) Pope Julius II commissioned Raphael and Michelangelo to paint frescoes him. Both artists were painting their iconic masterpieces at about the same time. Michelangelo's in the Sistine Chapel and Raphael's in the Papal Suite in what would be a library for Pope Julius II.
Cappella Sistina...Sistine Chapel
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Julius Caesar and the Roman Forum
The Roman Forum, or main square, was an area about the size of a football field. Surrounding it were temples, law courts, government buildings, and arches. This area of Rome was the birthplace and heart of Rome. Imagine people of all sorts racing down the main road wearing togas and riding in their chariots. It seems unreal! Everywhere you look there is a piece of broken marble or column that is just beautiful. The park benches in Rome are these relics. It's amazing. You can be walking down the street looking for gelato or a pizzeria and turn the corner to see the most awe-inspiring building, monument, or church. And the bells.....holy moly! What a beautiful sound ringing out all over Rome.